You’ve invested the time and effort to hire a new employee, now what? Here are three things you need to do to give them the best start at your company:

Reach out to them on their first day

Whether you conducted the interview personally or delegated the process, it’s important to meet with your new employee on their first day. It shows them that they are an important addition to your business, while giving you an opportunity to talk about expectations and answer any questions.

Help them to integrate and plan Check-ins

Some employers leave new hires to their own devices after giving them a basic introduction to their new job. Don’t make that mistake. The first few months on the job are the most pivotal. Without proper guidance and support your new employee will feel stressed, be unproductive, and might decide to leave. On the other hand, they might learn to do their job inefficiently or halfway, forming habits that are hard to break. Avoid these issues by helping them to connect with your team and by planning check-ins once a month for at least six months. By doing so, you and your team can listen to, guide, and review their work so that they don’t feel overwhelmed.

Show them their “why”

When your new team member understands their why, they will understand their purpose and feel more valued. Help them to understand why you hired them, why their position is important, and why their job is done the way it is.

Your new employees are an investment for the future of your business, make sure that you help them with the best start possible.

If you’re interested in getting the best candidates with a simple process, check out The Personnel Series!